Health Professions Building - Winchester, Room #296Phone:
(540) 678-4387Email: crichard@rdsy.net
Employed Since:
2003Educational History:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow; Obstetrics, Gynecology, Reproductive Sciences, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, PA
Ph.D. Physiology and Cell Biology, Albany Medical College, NY
M.S. Physiology and Cell Biology, Albany Medical College, NY
B.S. Zoology, University of Massachusetts - Amherst, MA
Fields of Expertise:
Dr. Richard teaches in the “Biomedical Sciences”, “Integrated Pathophysiology”, “Integrated Pharmaceutical Care and Science”, the “The Pharmacology and Counseling of Contraception” courses, and also developed the “Essentials of Pharmacogenomics” course.
His has peer-reviewed research publications on the topics of inflammation, pregnancy, contraception, glycobiology, cell cycle regulation, pharmacogenomics, and the use of technology in education.
His current area of research involves the characterization and understanding of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR). Dr Richard is the coordinator of the largest database about ASMR (25,000+ participants) and is the co-author of the peer-reviewed publication of the first brain scan study of ASMR, “An fMRI investigation of the neural correlates underlying the autonomous sensory meridian response”.
He has also founded the “ASMRUniversity.com” website, published the “Brain Tingles” book, published “The Blissful and Bizarre World of ASMR” syndicated article, created the “Voices of ASMR” project, and produced the “ASMR University Podcast”.
Professional Highlights:
Dr Richard has received the School of Pharmacy ‘Teacher of the Year Award’ three times, the School of Pharmacy ‘Researcher of the Year Award’ two times, the ‘University Instructional Technology Teaching Award’, and the University nomination for ‘Virginia Outstanding Faculty Teaching with Technology Award’.
Dr. Richard’s expertise in ASMR has resulted in consultation for the first ASMR Super Bowl commercial and interviews with The Today Show, Al Jazeera, The New Yorker, NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, CNET, NPR, Associated Press, New York Times, Newsweek, Smithsonian Magazine, Scientific American, Washington Post, Women’s Health, Rolling Stone, Prevention, New Scientist, and additional agencies.
Dr Richard’s TEDx Talk about ASMR
(click the video below to watch)
Personal Quote:“Qui docet, discit” (The one who teaches others, learns himself) – A really old and wise Latin dude.
Personal Highlights:
The unlikelihood of an alternate career path has been revealed to Dr. Richard due to his sub-par experiences with fencing classes, trapeze training, triathlon events, tap dancing classes, texas hold’em tournaments, water polo classes, mechanical bull riding, performing a wedding ceremony as an Ordained Clergy Person, and creating really dumb videos that even Monty Python would not find funny.
Dr. Richard’s favorite interest is his wife, whom he thinks is a lot of fun and much cooler than himself.